Call for nominations: 2021 UBC Distinguished University Scholar Designation


The Distinguished University Scholar (DUS) program recognizes members of UBC Faculty who have distinguished themselves as exceptional scholars in research and/or teaching and learning, or who have the potential to demonstrate such leadership. The deadline for DUS 2021 nominations has been extended to Friday, March 5, 2021.

Nominations are submitted by the Deans and the Faculty of Land & Food Systems is allowed to submit ONE (1) nomination package to the Office of the Provost and VP Academic.

To ensure LFS’s strongest possible candidate is put forward to the Office of the Provost and VP Academic, we are seeking candidates that would be competitive for this award. Nominations should be sent to Melanie Train by 5pm on Friday, February 12th, 2021 and should include the following:

  1. A brief description prepared by the nominee describing current work and in particular scholarly plans for the next five years (max. 1-2 pages).
  2. The nominee’s current CV.
  3. Three letters of reference from arms-length referees commenting on the scholarly excellence of the nominee.  Promotion and Tenure (PAT) letters may be used.  A brief description of each referee is essential.

The Faculty Research Awards Committee will review these within a week and recommend a selection to Dean for his endorsement. The Office of the Provost and VP Academic will announce results in May 2021.

The detailed information and the nomination package are available on the UBC Distinguished University Scholar website.