Apply for PICS Theme Partnership support by Feb. 14!

Our website may have changed but the opportunity to receive a $1M Theme Partnership award with PICS remains open, with 1 more month left to apply.  The same application forms are on our new website – check it out.

Bring your innovation, ideas and ambition to PICS!

Our flagship $1M Theme Partnership Program supports research into particularly complex—and critically important—climate mitigation and adaptation challenges.

Theme projects involve interdisciplinary teams of researchers and climate solution decision-makers (from the private and public sector) working together on thematic areas of high complexity and impact – from project outset, to results implementation. These projects generate not only new knowledge, but also build international leadership within British Columbia’s research community, which will help drive further innovation in critical thematic areas. 

We are excited to offer BC-led teams this opportunity to pursue potential game-changers for combatting, and adapting to, climate change, and to be leaders in the emerging low-carbon economy.”  PICS Executive Director, Sybil Seitzinger

One award will be made from this call, and the deadline to submit a Letter of Intent is 14 February, 2020. Find out more by reading our Guide for Applicants and media release.

For more information visit the PICS Theme Partnership Program Page or contact