UBC ARC Announces Availability of S3 on the UBC ARC Chinook Platform to Research Community

UBC Advanced Research Computing (ARC) is pleased to announce the availability of S3, a significant enhancement to the UBC ARC Chinook Platform. UBC ARC Chinook is an object storage platform, available to UBC researchers by application. Chinook storage was previously only accessible via Globus for data transfer and data sharing.


The newly available S3 protocol on the Chinook platform allows researchers to programmatically access their data and to enable S3-compatible web platforms. Please visit the UBC ARC website if you require more information on S3.


If you are a UBC Faculty member and Principal Investigator who is interested in applying for an allocation on Chinook, kindly apply online here. Please contact us at arc.support@ubc.ca if you have any questions or would like a consultation.