The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions is proud to announce an exciting opportunity for research teams to gain support and funding through our Opportunity Projects Program (OPP).
Targeting new entrants and emerging leaders, this program encourages researchers to take bold, but calculated, risks in pursuit of high-impact climate solution results. Successful projects are awarded up to $180,000 over a maximum three-year duration, and three to five awards are made per call.
In addition to our usual broad ask for climate mitigation or adaptation proposals, our OPPs call in 2020 includes a special one-off opportunity. In partnership with the Government of British Columbia, project funding has been set aside for a $180,000 Zero-Emissions Vehicle (ZEV) Project.
The BC Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (EMPR), has provided funding for a ZEV project under the Province’s CleanBC – Go Electric Program, which is designed to encourage and accelerate the adoption of ZEVs for both environmental and economic benefits.
Although not a requirement, in this call we are also asking researchers to consider if their climate solutions proposals will be impacted by, or can contribute to, post-COVID-19 recovery efforts in areas such as the future economy, public health, and urban planning.
Applications close on August 04, 2020. Notification of adjudication decisions will be made by December 01, 2020.
Our doors are open to your ideas and innovation! We encourage teams to contact PICS staff to discuss their proposal before applying. Contact
Visit Opportunity Projects Program Page for more information.