LFS Internal Research Grant Program (IRGP) 2022 Spring Application deadline (Research Stream) is May 13, 2022


The Faculty of Land and Food Systems Internal Research Grant Program (IRGP) provides short-term support for the development of innovative, multidisciplinary research that will eventually form the basis of a research proposal submitted to one of the Tri-Agency funding organizations (i.e. NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC) or the UBC TLEF program. The overall aim of the IRGP is to identify and support innovative, early-stage research within LFS which will enable preliminary data to be gathered for the purpose of strengthening the calibre and competitiveness of research proposals submitted to the Tri-Agency and TLEF funding competitions from LFS.

The LFS IRGP encourages collaborative multidisciplinary submissions: this year’s IRGP also aims to spark new collaborations with units and faculties external to LFS, hence applicant teams must be comprised of a lead PI from LFS and at least one other co-applicant from outside LFS with whom the PI has never worked before. The lead, and at least one other co-applicant, must be full-time LFS faculty members with a minimum of 12-month appointments.

This year’s IRGP applications must address one or more of the five priority areas from the current LFS Action Plan, Navigating Change: Addressing climate change and resilient food systems; Ending hunger and improving food security; Enhancing regional agriculture for sustainable cities; Promoting nutrition and wellbeing for healthier communities; Ensuring the health and welfare of animals in society.

Support will only be provided for the direct costs of research that are essential to the completion of the proposed research, including: stipend and salary support for undergraduate and graduate students and postdoctoral fellows, research-related travel, and material supplies or consumables. This year’s IRGP applications must include support for at least one undergraduate student.

Applications (application form plus all attachments submitted as a single PDF file) for this funding call should be sent to lfs.research@ubc.ca  by 5 pm, Friday May 13, 2022.

Full details on the IRGP program including the Application Form can be found here.