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CIHR Reviewer in Training Opportunity for Early Career Researchers

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) is pleased to announce the launch of the Reviewer in Training (RiT) program for the Fall 2022 Project Grant competition. The RiT program offers Early Career Researchers (ECRs) a learning opportunity to gain a better understanding of the elements of high quality review and the peer review process […]

UBC Peter Wall Institute for Advanced Studies: Catalyst Collaboration Fund

Deadline Cycle 1: Sep. 15, 2022 Deadline Cycle 2: Nov. 15, 2022 As part of the Institute’s focus on inter- and trans-disciplinary coordinated efforts to address the climate and nature emergency, we invite faculty at UBCV and UBCO and their associates to submit applications for the PWIAS Catalyst Collaboration Fund. The available funds ($180,000) will […]