NFRF Exploration 2024 – NOI Webinar Recordings

The links to the recordings of the Notice of Intent webinar presented on May 22nd for the 2024 Exploration competition can be found below, alongside a link to the slides used during the presentation.


English :

French :



English :

French :


The webinar for the Full Application stage will be presented later this fall. NFRF will communicate the date and time well in advance. Recordings, alongside the slides, will also be made available after the event.


To be able to create a full application, an NOI must first be submitted before the deadline. Research Administrators will be able to submit a test NOI, allowing them access to every stage of the application process in the Convergence Portal, by following these steps:


  1. Create an NOI, ensuring that the Administering organization listed is “ZZZ-INTERNAL TESTING ENVIRONMENT”. You may need to “Add Affiliation” before being able to select it.
  2. After submitting the NOI, its status will change to ‘Received by Administrator’. Program staff will submit all test applications “Received by Administrator”. You will have access to Convergence Portal for the subsequent stage, once it opens.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact