Horizon Europe and Canada Online Matchmaking Event: Bridging the Atlantic – Health 2025


** Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service (TCS) invites you to participate in the Horizon Europe and Canada Online Matchmaking Event: Bridging the Atlantic – Health 2025. **

In late April the European Commission will publish all 2025 Horizon Europe project calls – see draft list shared by Science Business. The budget for 2025 Health calls is likely C$744 million, to open on May 6 and close on September 18, 2025 TBC.

This online matchmaking event will take place on Thursday, March 27, from 11am to 1pm ET (4pm to 6pm Brussels/CET – note non-aligned daylight savings March 9-30, 2025).

The first part will provide an overview of the calls with best practices, followed by partner countries’ strengths and interests. The second part will be moderated breakout rooms where participants can share their two-minute pitches and connect with potential partners.

ACTION: All are invited to REGISTER and provide their pitch for the project call(s) they wish to pursue for possible partnering.

For this event Canada’s Mission to the European Union is working closely with EIT Global Outreach, the global arm of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology – Europe’s largest innovation network and National Contact Points (NCPs) from Canada, France, Ireland and the UK, who all will be inviting their respective networks to participate in this online matchmaking event. This event will be recorded and shared.

What:  “Horizon Europe and Canada: Bridging the Atlantic – Health 2025” online matchmaking event.  Click REGISTER to participate.

Date:     Thursday, March 27, 2025
Time:    11am to 1pm ET (4pm to 6pm Brussels/CET)

Horizon Europe is the EU’s and the world’s largest research and innovation funding program, with a budget of C$140 billion (2021 to 2027).
Canada is a “member” (associated country) to Horizon Europe Pillar 2 (53% budget), from 2024 to 2027.
Canadians can apply to Pillar 2 project calls with chosen partners and get funding directly from the European Commission if the project is selected. 
On average a project is worth $C4 to 10 million and can have 8 to 12 partners working together.
Canadians look to Horizon Europe to connect with potential partners, clients and markets.  All can apply: eg. businesses (small and big), institutions, universities, associations, etc.
Europeans seek out Canadian partners as we are viewed as: trusted, like-minded, strong partners and innovators with shared priorities and interests.
The LAST two publications for all cluster calls (eg. Health, Digital, Climate, Energy, Ag/Envi) will come out in April 2025 then early 2026; total funding of roughly C$30 billion.


HORIZON-HLTH-2025-03-STAYHLTH-01-two-stage: Improving the quality of life of persons with intellectual disabilities and their families

HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-CARE-01: End user-driven application of Generative Artificial Intelligence models in healthcare (GenAI4EU)


HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-DISEASE-03: Development of antibodies and antibody-derived proteins for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases with epidemic potential

HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-DISEASE-06: Implementation research addressing strategies to strengthen health systems for equitable high-quality care and health outcomes in the context of non-communicable diseases (GACD)

HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-DISEASE-01: Testing safety and efficacy of phage therapy for the treatment of antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections


HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-TOOL-03: Leveraging multimodal data to advance Generative Artificial Intelligence applicability in biomedical research (GenAI4EU)

HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-TOOL-05: Boosting the translation of biotech research into innovative health therapies

HORIZON-HLTH-2025-01-IND-01: Optimising the manufacturing of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs)

CANCER TOPIC A: Examining the link between environmental exposure, pediatric cancer onset and health outcomes
CANCER TOPIC B: Surgical interventions for locally advanced or metastatic disease
CANCER TOPIC C: Clinical trials for targeted cancer therapeutics